Drawn to Witness

16-29 May
Memorial Art Gallery
7 Cambridge Rd, Hastings TN34 1DJ

Felling Hollington Valley_ Emily Johns11062716_616500045116602_604396006355195354_n1913861_721319487967990_6286718992141980999_n

I have been drawing the changes in Hollington Valley nature reserve over the last year, from the end of one winter to the end of the next, as a struggle takes place between Seachange Sussex, Hastings Council and environmental campaigners about the building of another road. Not your idyllic Spring Watch in a Sussex bluebell wood but an observation of the processes that drive out protected species to prepare the land for tarmac. The drawing is a record of place, an act of witness of a heavy footprint, a capturing of spirit; it bears an imprint of conversations with local walkers, security guards, and residents of Emmaus.

See news report in Hastings Observer of how to draw surrounded by security guards

Drawing Paradise exhibition in Sussex

Emily Johns travelled to Iran in 2006 and again this February on an international peacemaking delegation. She has created an exhibition of lino prints about the history of British/Iranian relations over the last century – tobacco, tutus, coups and chemical weapons.

Drawing Paradise on the ‘Axis of Evil’  4 – 17 July

Hastings Arts Forum 36 Marina, St Leonards on Sea, TN38 0BU Preview: Friday, July 05 at 6:30 – 8:30pm


Accompanying events:

Thursday 4 July 7.30pm: The Cow, Iranian film hosted by St Leonards Film Society

Thursday 11 July 11:00am: Artist’s talk
7.30pm: A Separation, Iranian film hosted by St Leonards Film Society

Saturday 13 July 12:00am – 2:00pm: Printmaking and stories for children age 8-12yrs

Sunday 14 July 2:30pm: Iranian film and discussion hosted by St Leonards Film Society

Tuesday 16 July 7:00pm – 9:00pm: “The Rose and the Nightingale” a Persian Divan with divine refreshments. Bring Persian poetry to share. Donations welcome. Stephen Watts will be reading his translations of Ziba Karbassi, also two very fine  poets Reza Baraheni & Esmail Kh’oi. Krysia Mansfield and Las Pasionaras will be singing her new composition composed for the exhibition. Sufi stories told by Ariane Hadjilias. Rumi performed by Fari Bradley.