Weekends 3/4 and 10/11 September at Rose Cottage, Gotham Alley, Claremont, Hastings. Behind the library, entrance through Printworks gates.
Not open 3rd September due to illness.

Weekends 3/4 and 10/11 September at Rose Cottage, Gotham Alley, Claremont, Hastings. Behind the library, entrance through Printworks gates.
Not open 3rd September due to illness.
…for Childe Rolandine the artist When she went to work as a secretary-typist” and mangled her website all by herself…
Society of Wood Engravers 79th annual exhibition at North Wall Gallery Oxford,
9 November – 2 December
Creative Christmas at Hastings Arts Forum,
1-23 December
Creative Christmas is a curated show, exhibitors are selected based on the quality and uniqueness of their work, ensuring a broad range of beautiful, high quality artefacts.
Drawings made for the Women’s Peace Crusade film by Ali Ronan and the Clapham Film Unit. Next screening Tue 28 February 2017.
Linocuts for a pamphlet, Four Poems from Saying it with Flowers makes imaginative connections between lives of plants and human actions.The poems, in settings of fear and danger, inspired the composer David Loxley-Blounts’s compostion DuoSet, four pieces for organ and solo instruments. The first performances took place at St Lawrence Jewry, in the City of London, as part of a series of concerts in October 2016. Pamphlet available from Hearing Eye.
“Emily Johns’ linocut illustration is as powerful and expansive as the texts that follow.” Joan Michelson, review in London Grip
Currently I have work in the East Sussex Open at the Towner, Eastbourne. Budapest, Northern Ireland, Essex. Jews, gypsies, migrants. ‘A letter to the paper from my father’ was made to mark the eviction of Dale Farm.
Print Festival Scotland 2016
Roseangle Arts Cafe Gallery
17 Roseangle
Monday 30th May to Saturday 2nd July
open 10am to 4pm Monday to Saturday
Artists talk evening of Thursday 30th June.
16-29 May
Memorial Art Gallery
7 Cambridge Rd, Hastings TN34 1DJ
I have been drawing the changes in Hollington Valley nature reserve over the last year, from the end of one winter to the end of the next, as a struggle takes place between Seachange Sussex, Hastings Council and environmental campaigners about the building of another road. Not your idyllic Spring Watch in a Sussex bluebell wood but an observation of the processes that drive out protected species to prepare the land for tarmac. The drawing is a record of place, an act of witness of a heavy footprint, a capturing of spirit; it bears an imprint of conversations with local walkers, security guards, and residents of Emmaus.
See news report in Hastings Observer of how to draw surrounded by security guards